Mental Health Services Atlanta GA
Recovery-based services are available and accessible across the state. DBHDD is making progress to ensure that every area of the state receives its fair share of the available resources and that basic services are accessible to the people with the greatest need.
Many individuals approach the state service system looking for help. State supported services are aimed at those with a diagnosed mental illness, with level of functioning significantly affected by the mental illness, and financially unable to pay for all or part of the services. A service a person receives depends upon a professional determination of need and the services and other community resources available.
Community Services
Community services are provided through contracts with private, for-profit, non-profit, and quasi-public agencies, under contract with DBHDD through the regional offices. Consumer choice is a value that is embraced throughout the system, and is fostered through the development of different kinds of provider agencies, including consumer operated agencies. These organizations vary in scope of services provided including those services commonly utilized by anyone with a mental illness and those services that address more individualized needs.
- Behavioral Health Assessment
- Physician Services
- Nursing Services
- Service Plan Development
- Counseling, Crisis Intervention
- Community Support-Individual
- Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services
- Peer Support Services
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
This intense, community-based service uses a multi-disciplinary team approach to provide comprehensive treatment and support to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness and who are unable to live in the community without this intense level of treatment. Call your Regional Office to find out if ACT services are available in your area.
Inpatient Services
Intensive inpatient services are available to adults requiring hospital treatment. Utilization of inpatient services is closely monitored and every effort is made to prevent hospitalization by first using community-based Crisis Stabilization Programs, 23-hour Temporary Observation units, and Mobile Crisis Services.
Current Adult Mental Health Initiatives
- Disaster Mental Health Services - Disasters come in many forms. They may occur suddenly or with advance warning. Disasters may be human-caused or an act of nature. Some disasters have names like Katrina or flight numbers while others have faces that we see on the television. Many are known simply as house fires or accidents. All involve sudden loss and profound tragedy in people’s lives. Whether airplane crashes, hurricanes, infectious disease, school shootings, acts of terrorism, or something else, disasters have both physical and mental health components and consequences. Please contact Jeannette David by email at Jeannette.David@dbhdd.ga.gov with questions or concerns related to Disaster Mental Health Services.
- (PASRR) Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review - Medicaid regulations require States to maintain a PASRR program to screen nursing facility applicants and residents for serious mental illness. The purpose of PASRR is to ensure that nursing facility (NF) applicants and residents with mental illnesses and/or intellectual disabilities are identified, admitted or remain in a NF only if they can be appropriately served in the NF, and provided with needed services including specialized mental health and intellectual disabilities services.
- (PATH) The Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness program - Homeless Outreach Teams located in Atlanta, Columbus, Augusta, and Savannah go to the streets and homeless shelters to identify homeless individuals with mental illness, engage them in treatment, and connect them to mental health services and mainstream resources needed to end their homeless cycle. For more information on PATH, go to pathprogram.samhsa.gov.
SFY 2016 PATH Grant Application
- (SOAR) SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, Recovery - PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) funds support a three-year project to increase the number of successful SSI/SSDI applications for Georgians experiencing homelessness, to facilitate their recovery and enable them to become contributing members of their communities.
- (LEPSI) Limited English Proficiency and/or Sensory Impairment - DBHDD is committed to ensure that LEPSI consumers and family members have meaningful language access to all services conducted or supported by DBHDD. Five regional Language Access Coordinators are trained to assist LEPSI consumers in accessing language assistance through a qualified Language Service Vendor. Please contact your Language Access Coordinator at the Regional Office if you have any questions or concerns regarding free interpreting services.

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