Greater Bridgeport Community Mental Health Center
97 Middle Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604
PH: 203-579-7300 Fax: 203-579-6305
Contract Management: The Southwest Connecticut Mental Health System is responsible for the oversight and management of contracts with private not-for-profit (PNP) agencies providing mental health services in this region. This office specifically manages the contracts of all residential providers in the region. This includes authorization of applicants for residential services, review of program design, residential waitlist management, RUUM (residential universal utilization management) reporting, and monitoring of fiscal/service compliance of the contracts and adherence to DMHAS contractual expectations.
Federal Housing Programs: The Southwest Connecticut Mental Health System is responsible for regional administration and/or oversight of 250 Shelter Plus Care or other federally funded housing subsidies to clients in our service system. This office ensures that all federally mandated processes are followed, that the annual renewal of the certificate program occurs, staff and consumers are made aware of these resources, and full occupancy is maintained.
Building: This office is responsible for the coordination of our agency with other services and organizations as it relates to special projects e.g., housing fairs, food pantries, and community organization activities. The purpose of this linkage is to make the service units at SWCMHS a more integrated partner with other agencies that serve our consumers.
Our Mission
The vision of the Southwest Connecticut Mental Health System is to provide high quality, compassionate and culturally competent mental health and substance abuse services to adults with behavioral health disorders who are indigent.
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