Mental Illness and the

Mental Health Forensic Provisions Act 1990

Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990Doc type: Information Bulletin

Doc No.: IB2009_007

Functional Group - Sub Group:
Clinical/ Patient Services - Mental Health
Clinical/ Patient Services - Medical Treatment
Clinical/ Patient Services - Nursing and Midwifery

The Mental Health (Criminal Procedure) Act 1990 has been renamed and revised. The amended Act will be renamed the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 on 1 March 2009 when the amended Act commences. The revised Act deals with the care, treatment, control and release of forensic patients and patients transferred from correctional centres, and with the functions of the Mental Health Review Tribunal. Information Bulletins have been prepared to inform stakeholders of the commencement of Act and the key changes to the amended Act.

This document applies to: Area Health Services/Chief Executive Governed Statutory Health Corporation, Board Governed Statutory Health Corporations, Affiliated Health Organisations - Non Declared, Affiliated Health Organisations - Declared, Community Health Centres, NSW Ambulance Service, NSW Dept of Health, Public Hospitals

Audience: Administration, all clinical mental health staff, emergency departments

Distributed to: Public Health System, Community Health Centres, Health Associations Unions, Health Professional Associations and Related Organisations, NSW Ambulance Service, NSW Department of Health, Public Hospitals, Tertiary Education Institutes

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