Family Counselling in Ottawa

Family Counselling Ottawa

ottawa family counsellingA family can be complicated. Family counselling can help as it let’s us take care of life’s precious relationships. Contact us via the form to the right or call at 613-425-4257 to book an appointment with one of our trained family therapists.

If one element of the family breaks down, all the other elements are affected. Families must grow and change as a unit. They work best when they work as a team.

When families do, the results can be extraordinary. A family that functions well can improve the lives of each individual member.

But when things go wrong, they can really go wrong.

Family Counselling Services

Ottawa Family counselling can help when family relationships get stuck or their is family conflict. We can help your family system function beautifully. Think of us as your mechanic – we tighten a few bolts, clean the engine, and make sure the oil is topped up. Before long, we’ll have your family running like new.

With over 40 highly qualified counsellors to choose from, we can assist with any relationship problem, including:

Note that many of these therapies are covered by your health insurance plan, making the choice to tune up your family system all that much easier.

Family Counselling Issues

If there has been a breakdown in the family system, it’s important to deal with it on a family-wide level through family counselling. For example, when one member of the family is suffering with an illness, mental or physical, it affects the entire family. Every member feels the effects of the initial issue – they can’t help it; they’re part of the system.

Ottawa Family After CounsellingIn Ottawa family counselling helps to treat the “echoes” of the initial problem, and this helps solve the problem permanently. Without full family counselling and intervention, issues can reverberate throughout a family for years.

Improving Family Communication

Family counselling isn’t just for responding to a crisis. It can also help your family communicate more effectively. This is a way to inoculate the family system, like a vaccine, against future difficulties.

Family therapists can help Ottawa families recognize the gaps in their communications and work to close them. They observe the family from the outside, and are able to more effectively understand familial communication difficulties than the members of the family themselves. The impartial outside view is just one of the factors that makes family counselling so effective for families across Ottawa.

Every Family is Different

Our Ottawa Family counsellors are experts at figuring out what makes each family tick. They are able to determine the places where families are strong and where they are weak. But because each family is different, family counsellors must tailor there treatments to each family they work with.

This means that, when you come to Capital Choice Counselling, you’ll be receiving a treatment as unique as your family. We believe in providing the highest standard of family counselling, and unique treatment for each family is a large part of that.

Other Types of Family Therapy

Though family counsellors often rely on a blend of psychological disciplines to produce results, many family therapies are based on family systems therapy. This style of therapy takes the entire family system into account. It views the family as an anthropologist might.

Our Ottawa family therapists may also decide to use Structural Family Therapy, Brief Solution Family Therapy, Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFT) or Attachment Therapy. Often therapists use a customized combination of these therapy approaches.

In it, the therapist will carefully determine what effects the family system has on each member and what effects each member has on the system.

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