Mikahl Peters, Claire Hewson

Uniting care mental Health

UnitingCare West’s mental health services are holistic in nature and are provided with the goal of supporting individuals in the community with their recovery journey.

The programs focus on strengths – in other words what people with a mental illness can do rather than what they can’t. They also focus on recovery, demonstrating that people with mental illness can lead fulfilled lives in the community with the same opportunities as all people.

Our innovative programs also connect people with their communities, by engaging the assistance of volunteers and peer support workers who help us implement programs.

  • Advocacy

This independent and confidential support program for people with disabilities, their family members and carers is provided by UnitingCare West and Sussex Street Community Law Service Inc.

  • Community Connections
  • Independent Living Program

This program provides tenancy support to people renting accommodation through UnitingCare West’s Independent Living Program.

  • Partners in Recovery (PIR)

The Partners in Recovery program provides recovery oriented, person focused support to vulnerable individuals with complex needs and severe and persistent mental illness, assisting them to maximise their capabilities through social and environmental opportunities.

  • Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs)

Personal Helpers and Mentors provides support to people with severe and persistent mental illness, which may involve assistance with better managing their daily activities and improving access to relevant support services.

Source: www.unitingcarewest.org.au
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