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Saginaw County Community Mental Health

Services to adults with serious mental illness are provided to assist and promote recovery, personal choice and responsibility, and community inclusion.­ Using a person-centered process, supports are designed and provided to help the individual reach their personal recovery goals.­­­­

Case Management is one of the core programs available to help an individual to achieve their recovery goals.­ A person centered process is used to identify the services and supports that would best support the individual to reach their goals.­ There are five core components to case management:

  • Planning and/or facilitating planning using person centered planning principles
  • Developing an individual plan of service using the person-centered planning process
  • Linking to and coordinating with other services
  • Assistance with access to entitlements and/or legal representation
  • Coordination with health care and other services­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Psychiatric Services are offered to those individual’s who would benefit from medication to address a psychiatric condition.­ Typical psychiatric services include psychiatric evaluation and medication review.

  • Psychiatric evaluation is a­ comprehensive evaluation, performed face-to-face by a psychiatrist that investigates a consumer’s clinical status, including the presenting problem; the history of the present illness; previous psychiatric, physical, and medication history; relevant personal and family history; personal strengths and assets; and a mental status examination.­ This examination concludes with a written summary.
  • Medication Review is the process of evaluating and monitoring medications, their effects, and the need for continuing or changing the medication regimen.­­ This service is typically provided by a psychiatrist but on occasion may also be provided by a registered nurse or physicians assistant.

Health Services are typically provided by a registered nurse (RN) and include an initial review of a person’s health-related needs and coordination with the individual’s primary care physician. Other health services provided include: injections; lab tests; monitoring of medication-related conditions, side effects or reactions; and health education to the individual, family, and care givers.

For some individuals with ­serious mental health issues and uncontrolled chronic health conditions, SCCMHA is or could be their Health Home.

Individual and Group Therapy­ are a­variety of evidence based practices are available including but not limited to:

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Family Psycho-education
  • Men’s Trauma Groups
  • Women’s Trauma Groups
  • Thinking for a Change Groups
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Co-occurring Disorder Groups

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) provides intensive, long-term community-based case management services to adult consumers with the most severe forms of serious mental illness. ACT is a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment. An individual may have a primary case manager, but all members of the ACT team will provide supports and services as needed, 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation at Bayside Lodge Clubhouse offers opportunities for mental health consumers to create an ongoing support network between staff, members and the greater Saginaw community. This program includes a work ordered day, pre-vocational training, supported employment and education, advocacy, peer support and community involvement.

Peer Support Services are available from certified peer support specialist that use their personal life experience and training to support others to achieve their personal goals of community membership, independence and productivity.­

Community Living Supports are intended to facilitate an individual’s independence, productivity and promote community inclusion and participation.­ The supports can be provided in the home or in community settings.­

Supported Employment Services utilizing an evidence based model provides support to individuals to secure and maintain employment­ in­ the­ community.­ Services­ include­ but­ are­ not­ limited­ to­ job development, ­ job­ coaching, ­ follow-along­ support, ­ job­ carving, ­ and­ equipment purchase that would enable a person to perform a particular job.

Housing Services provide rental assistance and housing assistance through HUD and SAMHSA grants intended to end and prevent homelessness. Permanent Supportive Housing supports those who are disabled and homeless with Peer Support Services and Community Living Supports that promote housing stability in a safe, decent and sanitary environment.

Fiscal Intermediary Services (or­ fiscal­ management­ agencies)­ hold­ individual­ budget allocations­ for­ consumers­ and­ pay­ bills, ­ taxes, ­ and­ benefits based­ on­ approved individual budgets. They provide regular reports to SCCMHA and consumers, and relieve­ consumers­ of­ concerns­ about­ federal, ­ state­ and­ other­ tax­ and­ benefit liabilities.­ Typically utilized by individuals living a self-determined life.

Enhanced Health Services address health conditions related to the person’s mental health or intellectual disability.­

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Help For Medicine Donated To Tri County Community Mental ...
real conversations: cohealth community mental health
real conversations: cohealth community mental health
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