United Healthcare mental Health Providers
Need help with a mental health or substance abuse problem?
We offer our members convenient and confidential services through United Behavioral Health (UBH). UBH can help members with troubles affecting their family, job, and happiness. UBH can also assist members with a substance abuse problem.
How to get Help
Login to liveandworkwell.com and enter access code, "800-867-6758." This website is devoted to helping members make the most of their lives. It includes information, tools, and resources for dealing with stress, depression, and other mental health concerns; alcohol and drug problems; living with chronic conditions; and more.
Remember: Before a member receives inpatient or outpatient services, he or she needs to call UBH for authorization.
Dedicated Physicians and Other Health Care Professionals
UBH providers have a lot of experience treating mental health and substance abuse disorders. They include psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, social workers and substance abuse counselors. All of them have extensive training and experience.
Services include individual and group therapy, psychiatric evaluation and medication management.
Emergency Crisis Service
Q: What is the first step to getting care?
A: UBH authorizes mental health and substance abuse services for our members. Your coverage requires that this authorization be obtained before your benefits are paid.
Q: How do I know what my co-payment or deductible is?
A: Complete details of your coverage are listed in your Member Agreement or by calling the telephone number listed on your Member ID card.
Q: How do I know what physicians and other health care professionals are in the UBH participating network?
Q: What if I’m already seeing a mental health care professional?
A: If you are already involved in treatment for mental health or substance abuse care, call UBH to find out what steps are needed to help ensure that you receive continued care.
Q: Who do I call if I have additional questions?
A: Call the telephone number listed on your Member ID card, and one of our Customer Service representatives will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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